Thursday, 29 September 2011

about the blog

So, in this blog we are going to talk about comedy which would include different kinds of comedy and how its funny because comedy is one of the best time pass of recent times which helps rest our minds even when we are in stress. :)

russel peters

funny haha accent

Russel peter made a good indian accent!!!
Nailed it pretty well and talked about how people think of stereotypical indian accent :p

Monday, 12 September 2011

Our first post!!!!


Haha This is a really funny video by Axis of evil.

The axis of evil is a stand-up comedy tour featuring Middle-eastern comedians Ahmed Ahmed, Aaron Kader and Maaz Jobrani with number of special guests.

The tour name is derived from a speech given by US president George.W Bush which designated Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the "The Axis of Evil".

The link above is really funny, its a must watch in which he talks about an interesting relationship between Iran and the US.